최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

벼 수발아가 종자 활력, 발아율 및 입모율에 미치는 영향

Effect of Pre-Harvest Sprouting on Seed Viability, Germination and Seedling Emergence Rate of Rice

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2014.59.4.427

This study aimed to investigate the effects of pre-harvest sprouting (PHS)-damaged grains of rice on seed viability, germination percentage and seedling emergence rate. As comparing the seed lots of same cultivar ‘Hopum’ with different PHS percentages, seed lot with 8% PHS (high PHS percentage) showed 30% lower germination than that with 1% PHS (low PHS percentage). The difference of seedling emergence rate and seed viability percentages between the two seed lots was consistent with that of germination percentage. PHS-damaged brown rice was observed protruded embryo, discolored endosperm and fungi infected grains. PHS grains were classified into two groups, PHS-I showing endosperm discoloration in one third of a grain and PHS-II in more than half of a grain. The seed lot with high PHS percentage had much more PHS-II grains than that of low PHS percentage. PHS-II grains showed remarkably lower germination percentage than PHS-I grains and got severely moldy during germination test. In laboratory experiment, morphological changes and re-germination ability of seeds which dried after germination by soaking were tested. Sprouted seeds of 3mm shoot length showed half discolored endosperm and had a strong resemblance with PHS-II grains. Re-germination percentage of 3mm sprouted seeds sharply decreased than 2 mm sprouted seeds. Sprouted seeds which were treated for accelerated-aging (AA) for 24hr at 45℃ were significantly reduced in re-germination percentage compared to that of non-AA-treated sprouted seeds. These results indicate that PHS with over 3mm shoot length can severely damage not only grain appearance but also seed viability, germination percentage and seedling emergence rate. Therefore, we conclude that larger difference of germination percentage or seedling emergence rate between seed lots having smaller difference of PHS percentage might be caused by accelerated seed deterioration in PHS-damaged rice grains.

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