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KCI등재 학술저널

새만금 간척지에서 감자 겨울재배시 비닐멀칭 및 관수방법이 생육, 수량 및 괴경의 항산화 활성에 미치는 영향

Effect of PE Film Mulching and Irrigation Method on the Growth, Yield and Antioxidant Activity for Potatoes Grown in Winter Season at Saemangeum Reclaimed Land

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2014.60.1.063
  • 10

This study was conducted to measure the effect of PE film mulching and irrigation methods on the growth, yield and antioxidant activity of potatoes tubers, in order to examine the possibility of cultivating potatoes in winter season in vinyl greenhouse on the reclaimed tidal land with weak ground inside the sea wall currently completed. The test was conducted on the sandy loam soil (Munpo series), and its salt concentration was 0.42% at the time of planting. The emergence speed per kind of PE film mulching was in the order of black > coloration > transparent > green color, with the black color showing the fastest speed. The temperature change during a day per kind of PE film mulching was in the order of transparent > coloration > green > black color. As for the salt concentration in the soil for each different way of water management, the salt concentration in the treatment of drip irrigation with 1 week interval was lower than that drip irrigation with 2 weeks interval. As for the growth of above-aerial part, plant length was higher, number of tiller and leaves were more and dry weight of above-aerial part was larger in the treatment of drip irrigaton with 1 week interval than drip irrigation with 2 weeks interval. As for the yield of potatoes depending on each way of water management, the yield in the treatment of drip irrigation with 1 week interval was more than drip irrigation with 2 weeks interval. The yield for each different kind of PE film mulching in the weekly drip-irrigation management section was in the order of transparent ≥ black ≥ coloration ≥ green color. In both of total phenol content and DPPH free radical activity experiments, the content and activity were higher with pear color vinyl treatment.

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