Early-maturing Korean Japonica cultivars and Jungmo1024 were used as plant materials to evaluate hightemperature tolerance during grain filling stage. National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Korea developed Jungmo1024, a mutant line from Namil (wild type) treated by using sodium azide (SA) as mutagen. To evaluate high-temperature tolerance, all cultivars were exposed to high-temperature (day 31.5±2.5℃/ night 27.5±1.3℃) and ordinary temperature (day 27.5±1.8℃/ night 24.7±1.6℃) during grain filling stage. In these conditions, we performed compared evaluation of grain shape such as length and width and grain quality by using a 1625 Cervitec grain inspector. High-temperature during grain filling stage caused decrease of grain shape. In grain shape such as length and width, the decrease rate of width (average 6.3%) was higher than the decrease rate of length (average 1.3%). Hence, high-temperature affected width of grain than length of grain. In addition, high-temperature showed a decided difference in rate of head rice between ordinary temperature (average 76.3%) and high-temperature (average 13.3%).As a result, Taebong, Ungwang, Manan, and Jungmo1024 seemed relatively a decent high-temperature tolerance than other cultivars. Especially, Jungmo1024 seemed remarkable rate of head rice (average 34.4±6.2%) than other cultivars under high-temperature. It is considered that a genetic trait of Jungmo1024 can be useful to improve breeding for high-temperature tolerance.
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