최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

우리나라 고품질 벼 품종의 쌀 품질 특성에 미치는 등숙기 단계별 기온과 일조시간의 영향

Effects of Temperature and Sunshine Hours During Grain Filling Stage on the Quality-Related Traits of High Quality Rice Varieties in Korea

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2015.60.3.273
  • 19

Relationship between grain quality-related traits and daily mean temperature/sunshine hours during grain filling stage was analyzed using eleven high quality rice varieties at 24 experimental sites through eight provinces of Korea in 2013~2014. In the data set pooled across varieties, experimental sites and years, grain quality-related traits such as percentage of head rice (PHR), head rice yield (HRY), protein in milled rice (PRO) and Toyo Mido Meter glossiness value (TGV) were higher at the temperature lower than 22.6℃ for 40 days after flowering (DAF), which was optimum for percentage of grain filling in this study. Optimum sunshine hours for 40 DAF were 6.0~6.1 hr d -1 when considered PHR, HRY and TGV. PRO was associated with daily mean temperature and sunshine hours for 40 DAF in more varieties than the other traits. PRO was closely correlated with daily mean temperature during early filling stage and sunshine hours during early to mid filling stage, compared to other stages during grain filling. It is concluded that general trend in the variation of grain quality-related traits could be explained by the changes in daily mean temperature and sunshine hours during grain filling. In addition, climate conditions during early grain filling stage played important roles to enhance grain quality.

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