최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effect of Integral Movement Therapy Program with the Marian Chase Technique on Peer Relationship and Behavior of Deviation of the Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder for SAFETY

DOI : 10.22471/crisis.2021.6.3.45
  • 40

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to validate the effect of a movement therapy program applying the Mar-ian Chase Technique on the peer relationship and behavior of deviation within the integral education for the non-disabled and disabled of the same age. Method: In this study, the students without disability participated in the experiment to validate the effective-ness of the integral movement therapy program applying the Marian Chase Technique. A total of 12 movement therapy programs were carried out once per week from September 4, 2019 until November 27, 2019 for 3 stu-dents with disability and 7 students without disability who participated in the M University’s movement therapy program. Results: As a result of measuring the peer relationship of the movement therapy program in the integrated en-vironment, and student A improved by 32 points from 2 points during the 1st round to 34 points during the 12th round, and student B increased by 8 points from 1 point during the 1st round to 9 points during the 12th round. Furthermore, student C improved by a total of 21 points from 11 points during the 1st round to 28 points during the 12th round. As a result of measuring the frequency of behavior of deviation by period through the movement therapy program, student A with disability decreased by 75% from 4 times during the 1st round to once during the last 12th round on average. Student C with disability decreased by 50% from 6 times during the 1st round to 3 times during the 12th round, and student B with disability decreased by 25% from 8 times during the 1st round to 6 times during the 12th round. Conclusion: Consequently, it was evident that the effect of the movement therapy program for which the inte-gral education was carried out has had an effect on the peer relationship and behavior of deviation of the chil-dren with mild autism. It is considered that the studies to develop an individualized movement therapy program for the students with autism demonstrating differences is needed.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. References

6. Contribution
