최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Effects of Hope Scale on the Psychological Well-Being and Makeup Psychology for DISASTERS Among Female College Students

DOI : 10.22471/disaster.2021.6.3.01
  • 10

Purpose: With the economic crisis and recession caused by COVID-19, people from all over the world are facing insecurity of employment and losing hope for the future. Consequently, this study was carried out to investigate the effects of hope scale on the makeup psychology and psychological well-being among female college students in such a crisis. Method: A questionnaire method was selected in this study to survey female college students in Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinces. The questionnaire consisted of demographic variables, hope scale, psychological well-being, and makeup psychology. Frequency, percentile, and average were analyzed to understand the demographic characteristics of the study subjects, and the causal relationship among hope scale, psychological well-being, and makeup psychology was examined through single regression analysis. Results: In terms of the effects of hope scale on makeup psychology, only planning power was found to have a statistically significant effect on etiquette and social life, only determination on self-expression and pursuit of beauty, and both determination and planning power on satisfaction and attractiveness. Similarly, for the effects of hope scale on psychological well-being, both determination and planning power were found to have a statistically significant effect on personal growth and self-acceptance and only determina-tion on positive interpersonal relationship. Conclusion: The psychology behind wearing makeup plays an important role in one’s etiquette and social life, while serving the role of expressing and satisfying oneself. Psychological well-being seems to be affected by the existence of hope; when people with a significant level of psychologically well-being have hope, they can over-come disasters and have the willingness to express self through makeup.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method and Procedures

3. Research Results

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
