Exploring the Possibilities of Be-Coming Sports Events of Traditional MARTIAL ARTS of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
- International Journal of Martial Arts
- vol.6 no.3
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.09
- 36 - 48 (13 pages)
Purpose: This study aims to explore the possibility as a sports event by analyzing the competition environment of traditional martial arts sports competitions of ethnic minorities in Gansu Province, China. Method: Based on literature research, competition events, performance, and participation status, we are going to explore the development and succession of traditional martial arts of Chinese ethnic minorities and the possi-bility of becoming competition sports in Gansu Province. Results: First, the development stages of the traditional martial arts competitions were distinguished by con-sidering prior studies centered on the traditional martial arts sports competitions of Chinese ethnic minorities in Gansu province. Second, through the competition status of the traditional martial arts sports competition, the competition environment was analyzed and the cause of the events that entered the national martial arts compe-tition was analyzed. Third, it is reported that it can be developed with regional festivals by expanding the Gansu martial arts sports festivals and the regional festivals. Lastly, through the major educational channels of schools, excellent national traditional martial arts programs will be transferred and developed to create synergies between traditional martial arts programs and school physical education, as well as well as promote and develop Chinese traditional martial arts culture. Conclusion: In order to explore the possibility of traditional Chinese martial arts sports competitions as nation-al sports and further becoming school sports and sports events, educational and competitive support as a top priority should be based on Chinese physical education subjects. Various studies should be conducted to explore the possibility of Chinese physical education intangible cultural heritage as a global sport through the discovery, organization, distribution and promotion.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Results
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendix