최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effect of the Sports Coaches PROFESSIONALISM on Ethical Sensitivity and Guiding Belief

DOI : 10.22471/kinesiology.2021.6.3.34
  • 8

Purpose: As it is the mission of coaches to appropriately guide their athletes on ethical and moral character, the role of sports coaches is crucial beyond anything, and it is also necessary to consider the guiding beliefs and methods which lead the students(or trainees) in the desired direction if sports coaching or guidance is more than merely an educational role to play. Hence, the purpose of this study is to examine and articulate the professional-ism and ethical sensitivity of coaches, which have an important effect on the sports leagues as well as sports teams and athlete management, further to the effect on the guiding beliefs, thereby exploring an efficient opera-tional method for managing and fostering sports teams and athletes. Method: In this study, as of 2021, the coaches who were formerly professional sports athletes were used as the population, and as for the sampling method, 250 people were surveyed by the convenience sampling, while the survey was conducted by using the self-administration method, and among the collected questionnaires, those of 284 respondents were used as valid samples, excluding the data with insincere responses or omissions of some of the details of the survey. Results: As a result of the factor analysis performed on professionalism, ethical sensitivity, and guiding belief, the professionalism was consisted of professionalism factor and technical requirement factor, while ethical sensi-tivity was consisted of one factor for the ethical sensitivity factor, and guiding belief factor was consisted of the 3 factors of behaviorism factor, interactionism factor, and maturationism factor, respectively. As for reliability, it turned out that professionalism factor was α=.795, technical requirement factor α=.692, ethical sensitivity factor α=.799, behaviorism factor α=.800, interactionism factor α=.835, and maturity factor was α=.697, respectively. As a result of the correlation analysis performed, it turned out that there was a positive(+) relationship between all of the factors, and it also turned out that the professionalism factor influenced the ethical sensitivity factor and the educational belief factor. Conclusion: In order to achieve the purpose of this study, it is evident that the professionalism of sports coaches influences ethical sensitivity and guiding belief based on the results of the questionnaire. It is considered that it is necessary not only to explore the means to help improve the professionalism of sports coaches, which influences the ethical sensitivity and guiding beliefs of the sports coaches’ education, but also create and form an overall environment for the self-development of the sports coaches.

1. Introduction

2. Research Methods

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
