최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on Group Performance of People with Cerebral Palsy in FIGURE SKATING Program

DOI : 10.22471/kinesiology.2021.6.3.12
  • 11

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the successful improvement of figure skating techniques when applying them to people with cerebral palsy and present basic data to develop various figure skating pro-grams suitable for the characteristics of people with cerebral palsy. Method: This study conducted a structured experimental study as it investigates the technical changes of peo-ple with cerebral palsy in modified skating postures and performances with choreography. For this experimental study, five group performances were organized, and a total of 15 experimental procedures were conducted sepa-rately from the experimental group(with cerebral palsy) and the comparative group(non-disabled). Results: Comparing the average scores of skating movements according to the measurement session by group, the difference in average scores in the first, second, third, and fourth sessions was statistically signifi-cant(p<.05).The BTS movements according to the measurement sessions have been gradually improved along with the implementation sessions. The average score of BTS movements in the experimental group was 12.36(2.72), which is 0.98 points higher than the average of comparative groups(11.38, 2.42). However, the col-lective scores of these BTS movements did not show statistically significant differences[F(16,4) =1.43, p>.05]. Comparing the average scores of connection movement by measurement session by group, the difference in aver-age score was statistically significant[F(1, 4)=5.95, p<.05). The average score for the entire session of the experi-mental group was 6.30(1.83) and the average score for the comparative group was 4.81(1.35), indicating the overall average difference of 1.49. Conclusion: The study showed that there was a change in ability through figure skating group performances of people with cerebral palsy. Based on this, it is believed that follow-up research should be conducted to develop efficient and applicable figure skating programs by modifying and supplementing the program.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Result

4. Discussion

5. References

6. Appendix
