A Study on Development of Interactive Communication Education Model for Creative Convergence in PUBLIC VALUE
- Public Value
- vol.6 no.3
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.09
- 61 - 69 (9 pages)
Purpose: As the times are changing rapidly, the change in the educational paradigm of universities is in an en-vironment where it is impossible to retreat any more. Global leaders and future companies are demanding talents with collaboration, communication, and creativity. The most important educational system for nurturing talents with these competencies in universities requires a change in educational method from one-way education to in-teractive education. This paper is to propose the development of a communication education model to meet the creative convergence-type talent cultivation desired by the future society in the age of artificial intelligence. Method: The true meaning of interactive education is to increase the participation rate of learners in class and to increase self-directed learning ability and creativity through self-learning. Moreover, creativity development comes from the process of self-learning with interest. As distance classes increase due to COVID-19, the realization of interactive communication education is emerging as a biggest problem. There is a way to support the imple-mentation of sufficient learning in online and offline education by using smart tools instead of test papers. This paper is to focus on using the interactive communication tools such as QuizN, Symflow, and Padlet. Results: In order to enhance the creativity of learners at universities, which are higher education institutions, ef-forts such as the development of various programs, the production of various contents, and the design and de-velopment of teaching and learning methods should be made. In addition, the following conditions are required for the educational method in universities for creativity enhancement. First, the learner s interest, motivation, and voluntary participation in class must be preceded. Second, it is necessary to enhance the humanities thinking abil-ity, which has the characteristic of multiplicity. Third, the learner must lead the class proactively. Conclusion: This study proposed the development of the interactive education model for creative convergence talents. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will greatly contribute to the development of educa-tion such as program development, content production, and teaching-learning method development for value creation of an academic education model. Moreover, given the reality of conducting online distance education due to COVID-19, it is expected that the interactive communication education model proposed in this study can be fully utilized.
1. Introduction
2. Interaction Communication Tools for Smart Education
3. Model Design for Interactive Communication
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendix