A Study on the Development of a Public LIFELONG EDUCATION Model for Each Stage of the Life Cycle of Residents of Metropolitan Areas in Korea: Based on the Gyeongnam Metropolitan Case
- Robotics & AI Ethics
- vol.6 no.3
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.09
- 10 - 22 (13 pages)
Purpose: This study developed an education model that satisfies the lifelong learning needs of residents of metropolitan areas in the midst of today’s era of lifelong learning. Method: A literature study, a survey of lifelong education officers, and a survey of residents of metropolitan cities were conducted. The literature study was on human development by life stage, lifelong education programs, and lifelong education models. The preliminary survey was conducted to ask the opinions of lifelong education managers and lifelong education experts on the implementation of lifelong education by life stage. The following questions were asked to them through workshops and interviews. For example, “What do you think should be prioritized when operating lifelong education by life cycle in the region?”, “What kind of lifelong education pro-gram do you think is necessary for each stage of life?”, “What do you think are the policies and projects for the development of lifelong education?” Specific needs and preferences were identified by asking about them. Based on the preliminary survey, a survey was conducted on the necessity of lifelong education by life cycle targeting 1,200 residents of metropolitan cities. Results: It was found necessary to establish a lifelong education program that meets the developmental tasks and needs in each of five life stages and considers the characteristics of the learners’ areas. Conclusion: Residents of metropolitan areas should be provided lifelong education programs for each stage of the life cycle that reflect their needs in each stage as well as the characteristics of their area. Such lifelong educa-tion programs must be carried out with universal programs that are essential for each life stage.
1. Introduction
2. Lifelong Education Implementation Concept Model for Each Stage of the Life Cy-cle of Metropolitan Area Residents
3. Lifelong Education Program Implementation Model by Life Cycle Stage in Gyeongnam
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendix