최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

여성의 차별적 이미지 재현과 성차별 언어 표현의 양상

Differential Image Representation and Discriminatory Language Expressions Regarding Women: Focused on 2014~2019 Film

  • 924

This study discusses the representation of women and the use of discriminatory language expressions regarding them in movies. This study analyzed female characters and the language expressions used in relation to these female characters in the films between 2014 and 2019. Considering features of each character, the following types of discrimination were observed: “treating women as sexual objects” and “subordinating wife to husband” on the subject of right and violence, “treating women as men’s subordinates” for labor and in positions of leaderships, “excluding women” in terms of race and disabilities, “restricting women to gender-specific roles such as housewives” in motherhood and image of women, and “treating women’s behavior or personality differently’ in abilities and occupations. In the result of discriminatory language expressions, “degrading of women” was most frequently observed. And “treating women’s behavior or personality differently” was observed in few movies, exhibiting the lowest frequency. “Treating women as subordinates to men” and “excluding women” were expressions of discrimination in public spheres against social advancement, and “restricting women to gender-specific roles such as housewives” and “subordinating wife to husband” can be considered expressions of patriarchy.

1. 머리말

2. 선행 연구 및 연구 방법

3. 연구 결과

4. 맺음말
