최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

감자 ‘Solara’ 경삽묘의 육묘기간에 따른 묘소질 및 수경재배에서의 수량 특성

Effect of Seedling Quality on the Seedling Raising Period of Stem Cutting and Yield Characteristics of ‘Solara’ Potatoes in Aeroponics Cultivation

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2016.62.1.060
  • 5

This study was conducted to dentify the optimum plantlet type of ‘Solara’ potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) for growth in an aeroponics system. Plantlets of ‘Solara’ were transplanted on March 16, 2015 in a greenhouse, and growth and yield characteristics were investigated at 70 and 78 days after transplanting, respectively. Stem length was shorter in plantlet of 15-day-old stem cuttings and acclimatization of culture, and the stem length of plantlets of stem cuttings tended to increase with increasing stem cutting age. The fresh weight of plants was the highest in the plantlets of 40-day-old stem cuttings and the lowest in non-rooted stem cuttings and acclimatization of culture. The highest number of first stolons was obtained in 35-day-old stem cuttings. The number of second stolons was the highest in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings, acclimatization of culture, and 30- day-old stem cuttings. The total number of tubers was higher in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings and acclimatization of culture, and the number of tubers above 3 g was the highest in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings. The weight of tubers above 3 g was the heaviest in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings(1,947 g per 10 plants), followed by plantlets of 30-day-old stem cuttings. These results indicate that plantlets of 30 to 35-day-old stem cuttings could be the best for production of ‘Solara’ potato tubers in an aeroponics system.

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