이 연구는 한국 중앙정부의 인적자원의 정량적 수준을 비교분석하는 글이다. 정부조직개 편이 빈번했던 한국 정부는 부처 이름마저 혼동될 정도로 복잡했는데, 21세기 초반에 존재한 4개 정부(노무현・이명박・박근혜・문재인)의 인적자원의 수준을 살펴봄으로써 그 변동상황도 일부 확인하고자 한다. 비교를 위해 세 가지 기준, 즉 인력 규모, 중위직(5급) 수준, 최고위직(장・차관급) 수준을 세웠는데, 이것들은 인력 분포의 높이와 넓이를 보여준 다. 분석결과, 법무부, 고용노동부, 외교부 등 22개 부처의 총 정원이 꾸준히 증가했고, 추세적 순증까치 합치면 총 34개 부처에서 파킨슨의 법칙 등이 확인된 것으로 나타났다. 또한 국가보훈처, 고용노동부, 법무부 등 15개 부처의 중위직(5급) 수도 꾸준히 증가했고, 추세적 순증까치 합치면 총 33개 부처에서의 순증 양상도 확인되었다. 여기서 특이점은, 외형적으로 인력규모가 줄어든 부처마저도 중위직 수만큼은 순증 양상을 보였다는 점인데, ‘작은 정부’를 논하는 데 있어서 유의점이 있음을 보여주거니와, 관료제 내부의 인력 증감의 실질적 이면이 존재함을 알려준다는 데 의의가 있다. 이 논문은 이러한 점에서 이론 및 실무양 측면에서 함의하는 바가 있다.
The purpose of this study is to quantitatively compare and analyze the level of human resources of the Korean central government. In the 21st century, the Korean government, which frequently reorganized, was so complicated that even the names of ministries were confused that it wanted to help people understand the changes in terms of materials by quantitative look at the human resources of the four governments(Roh Moo-hyun, Lee Myung-bak, Park Geun-hye and Moon Jae-in) in the early 20 years of the 21st century. In this regard, three comparison criteria were established to quantitatively compare the human resource level of the four central government agencies. There are three levels of simple personnel size, median proportion, and highest level, which show the height and width of the workforce distribution, respectively. According to the analysis, the total quota of 22 ministries, including the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and 12 ministries, including the Board of Audit and Inspection and the Ministry of Patriots, were confirmed as Parkinson s law. In addition, the number of mid-level positions at 15 ministries, including the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and the Ministry of Justice, increased steadily, and a total of 33 ministries, including 18 ministries, including the Board of Audit and Inspection, Ministry of Legislation, and Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which showed a net increase, were also confirmed. What is unusual is that even some ministries, whose total quota has decreased due to social structure changes, showed a net increase in the number of mid-level positions. This not only shows that there may be pitfalls in discussing small government based only on the size of the workforce, but it also reminds us that it is necessary to carefully look at the other side of the bureaucracy s deception or actual manpower increase in relation to the increase or decrease of manpower and reorganization. In this regard, this thesis has many implications both in theory and in practice.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 선행연구 검토
Ⅲ. 연구방법 및 분석의 틀
Ⅳ. 분석결과 및 함의
Ⅴ. 맺음말