최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Revisiting Experience-based Interdependent Translation Coursework Design: A Case Study

  • 9

Literally, translation service-learning is an educational course in which translation majors can provide their knowledge and learning skills to local communities in many activity-based ways. In order to meet the main goal of service learning, the course, basically, should be pragmatic, progressive, experiential, meaningful, and in harmony with societal needs. It says that, in a large sense, colleges are a part of the local community and should interact in many ways. College translation courses can play a role in educating local participants, particularly for immigrant children. This course, therefore, mainly focused on voice training and translation activities for seventh to tenth graders from different cultural and language backgrounds. The research results showed that translation majors of B-University gained more knowledge and satisfaction from the course and considered this a course whereby they can both grow socially and educationally, equipped with the full responsibility as a member of community.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Service Learning: Concepts, Introduction, and Approaches

Ⅲ. Combining Translation Course with Experiential Activity

Ⅳ. Findings and Discussion

Ⅴ. Conclusion

