In general, Urtiin duu(уртын дуу, long song) is classified together with bogino duu(богино дуу) as a sort of Mongolian folksong. However, there have been controversial debates in terms of its classification of urtiin duu as a sub-category of Mongolian folksong. In fact Urtiin Duu falls on the category of Mongolian traditional vocal music that has been involved with high quality of artistry beyond limited boundary the general meaning “folksong.” In other words, Urtiin duu should be differentiated from common Mongolian folksongs. The reason is as follow: 1) it is performed mostly by professional singers who have a great level of artistry; 2) it usually contains philosophical and didactic lyrics, not associated with daily life of people as commonly found in other categories of Mongolian folksong; and 3) it is well characterized by having sophisticated melodies comparing to other folksong repertoires with simple melodic constructions. In result, this study exams urtiin duu, a category of Mongolian traditional vocal music in historical, functional, substantial and musical context, so that it can demonstrate that urtiin duu is not a simple Mongolian folksong but an independent performing arts category of Mongolian traditional music which contains the compelling implication of its own artistic values.
1. 서론
2. 연행, 시대 및 기능적 맥락
3. 노랫말, 내용적 맥락
4. 음악, 구조적 맥락
5. 결론