최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골의 반한류 네트워크 분석

Anti-Hallyu Networks In Mongolia: Focusing on the ‘structural hole in media, social, government Networks’

  • 26

Anti-hallyu(Anti-Korean Wave) in Mongolia has been intensified while Korean social and economical effects on Mongolia are increasing. In 2013, a Anti-hallyu demonstration was planned by a Mongolian movie director who attracted many advocates on his facebook. This was the first off-line attempt to protest against Hallyu which is not a good sign for a good relationship between two countries. While Korea-Mongolia relations have been constantly reinforced, why are the Anti-hallyu movements getting more intense in Mongolia,? And What is the most effective solution to Anti-hallyu problems? To answer these two questions, this paper addresses what factors in Mongolia have formulated Anti-hallyu on three dimensions: media, social, and governmental sectors, each of which has different contributing elements. In doing so, the Anti-hallyu network in Mongolia can be analyzed to figure out what structural holes exist in the relationship between two countries. ‘Structural hole’ means a figurative space that can be filled with one or two links in networks. Assuming that the Anti-hallyu network can be minimized by filling the structural hole in the Korean-Mongolian relationship network, this paper reveals what structural holes exist in it and what policies two governments can fill it with.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구와 이론적 틀

3. 몽골의 미디어 네트워크: 한류와 반한류의 중개

4. 소셜 네트워크: 한류의 비판적 수용

5. 한몽 정부의 역할: 복합중개 네트워크 형성

6. 결론
