D. Bodoo who was working as a Prime Minister (April 1921 – January 1922), was one of the famous political and public figures of that time in Mongolia. He and his reliable friends were been falsely charged and he passed away on August 1922. Until 1990s, the reason of this false charge and his true life has been closed to public. However, for last 20 years his autography and the real story of his activities has been recovered and studied based on archival evidence and facts. D. Bodoo created not few literary works for the purpose of educating people during 1910-1920s. And one of them was the sentential epigram named as “Lyric poem” (Uyangat shuleglel). The significance of this epigram is that it embodied the general structure and attitude of Mongolian sentential epigram in 1910s. Many poetic imagination techniques such as simile, metaphor and epithet were used efficiently in reflecting the real social life of that time in Mongolia. The epigram implies that the freedom and independence is the most valuable thing for everyone and for each country, so that let Mongolia to find its independence forthwith, but the education and effort of each person is compulsory to happen it. In creating his epigram, D. Bodoo directly used the traditional rhetorical methodology in combination with the actual social situation of that time, and it has become a good example of developing sentential epigram in contemporary Mongolian literature.
1. Д. Бодоогийн товч намтар, уран зохиолын тухай үзэл баримтлал
2. Д. Бодоогийн “Уянгат шүлэглэл” шүлгийн утга агуулга, дүрслэлийн ур маягийн хэрэглээ