This paper explained the historical origin and change of traditional pattern of Korea and Mongolia in 13-14 century. (1) the classification of Tamaga and Sipjangseng, (2) the historical changes and origins of Tamaga, (3) the historical changes and origins of Sipjangseng. And in the process, this paper analyzed with the historical character of the Tamaga and Sipjangseng. In the result, there was close relationship with the age philosophy after Mongolia empire collapse to the reason that Tamaga and Sipjangseng walk the other way. Mongolia’s Tamaga has been transformed into a private ownership marking according to the pursue of mercantilist economic policy of Mongol Empire, that is the statement of the nature of capitalism. And the symbols are the crest arts of Khagan described in the coin. Sipjangseng in Korea is the pattern of elite related to the founding principle of Chosun, represented by Jujahak. And it contains the pursue of ensuring vested interest and maintenance of the status quo.
1. 머리말
2. 탐가와 십장생 문양의 분류
3. 탐가의 기원과 역사적 변천
4. 십장생의 기원과 역사적 변천
5. 맺는말