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KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 제국 붕괴 이후 쿠빌라이계의 활동과 그 한계

A study of the Khubilai’s Lineage after the downfall of the Mongol Empire

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After the downfall of the Mongol Empire, The Mongol Khanship still controled over the Mongol plateau, what was usually called Northern Yuan(北元) by the Chinese scholars. Under the Ming military expedition the Oskhal Khan fled to the direction of the Kharakhorum in 1388, finally he was died by Yesuder, the descendents of the Arigh-Buke. After this miserable accident Mongol Khanship was managed by the several descendent’s lineage of the Chingis Khan like as Arigh-Buke’s lineage, Ugudei’s lineage, or Khubilai’s lineage. But since the Baghmu’s political expansion, Oyirad-Mongol also participated into struggles for the Khanship during the 15th century. Amongst in this political confusions, Dayan Khan, as the descendent of the Khubilai Khan, enthroned into the Mongol Khanship, and established ‘The Great Six-Tumen’ for the reconstruction of the Mongol Empire by the descendents of the Khubilai Khan. The Mongolian historical annals during the 17~18th centuries, Qad-un ündüsün quriyangγui altan tobči, ϒangγ-a-yin urusqal, Erten-ü mongγol-un qad-un ündüsün-ü yeke sir-a tuγuji orosiba, Asaraγči neretü-yin teüke, Erdeni tunumal neretü sudur orosiba, Erdeni-yin tobči and so on, offered a lot of information about the Mongolian Khanship since the 14th century down to the Lingen Khan of Chakhar Mongol, the descendent of the Dayan Khan. From these sources we can understand actually Dayan Khan was not ‘the Khan of the Whole’ as the Six-Tumen had called. Dayan Khan’s Khanship had been limited among the Six-Tumen, even since the Tumen-Jasaghtu and Ligden Khan of the Chakhar Mongol, the Khanship inherited from the Dayan and Kubilai was diminished among the Left Wing of the Six-Tumen Mongols.

1. 칸위 경쟁에서 쿠빌라이계의 浮沈: 토곤․테무르·오하토칸에서 다얀칸까지

2. 다얀칸 六萬戶 체제에서 차하르의 위상

3. 차하르와 ‘聖主의 차간․게르’
