최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한·몽 수명관장 신격 연구

A study on the godhead of life control of Korea and Mongolia: Focused on Korean south pole senior and Tsagaan Uvgun of Mongolia

Our country’s pole star was believed in the meaning of controlling the continuance of nation, that is peace and life of a nation from the Koryo Dynasty. Later, it was developed as an existence controlling the life of individual and believed by the nation and the private as well. The south pole senior, It is observed that various cultures of the south pole star was dispersed socially as the south pole senior appeared in several areas such as classical novel, Pansori and folk drama in the late of Chosun Dynasty. The appearance of such south pole star appeared at the end of Bongsan talchum and Gangryung talchum and plays a symbolic role to lead the dead to a good place and pray for long life for the living person. Mongolia s Tsagaan Uvgun has various characteristics not only controlling the life but also the land and abundance. It seems to have a complex nature of faith in pursuit of a good fortune by combining with Buddhism. Mongolians who are more sensitive to natural disaster than anyone must have believed Tsagaan Uvgun who control breeding of livestock, well-being of the family and longevity. Currently, the characteristics of Tsagaan Uvgun which was transmitted through oral literature and various prayers of the Mongols is alive vividly in Khuree Tsam, showing folk and buddhist hue and praying for fortune of visitors. Among the various private godhead, the south pole senior and Tsagaan Uvgun, as the preferred existence by most Koreans and Mongolians, have long been expressed as white senior with white hair and beard by media. If Korean south pole senior was believed from national level to the private, Tsagaan Uvgun of Mongolia was considered as the existence to control longevity and peace of nomad who were directly affected by the natural change and abundance of livestock. They were recognized as the godhead to bring the life and fortune in a broad sense as they control the life and death and was being changed and transmitted incessantly to be friendly through literature works and folk drama of both countries afterward.

1. 머리말

2. 한국의 남극노인

3. 몽골의 차강 어브겅

4. 맺음말
