In this study, the modern Mongolian personal pronouns(биеийн төлөөний үг) were arranged and looked at their form, meaning, and function etc. Based on these personal pronouns(first-person:‘би’, ‘бид’, ‘бид нар’, second-person:‘чи’, ‘та’, ‘та нар’, third- person:‘энэ’, ‘тэр’, ‘эд’, ‘эд нар’, ‘тэд’, ‘тэд нар’), they were analyzed and contrasted with Korean pronouns each other. In addition, through these contrasting analysis they were looked at what kind of similarities and differences they have. Also, the basic information, such as correct use of the personal pronoun which appears important in the situation of a discourse, context etc. were presented to the learners of both languages. Personal pronouns in modern Mongolian have the ability to instruct a substitute for the person in the sentence just as Korean. In general, distinguished by first-person pronoun, the second-person pronoun, third person-pronoun, and each one has a singular and plural form. Therefore, this system can be described as the similarities of both languages. However, being different from Mongolian, Korean language has many cases of using the expression varied by a identity relationship between the speaker and other listener. Depending on the status of the listener, it has differentiated by ‘haching(non honorific, kind of command)’, ‘pyeongching(between ordinary, fair relation)’, ‘jonching (honorific, respect)’, ‘geukjonching(very exalted)’, etc. and the appropriate selected pronoun has to be used. This point seems to be a big difference with the modern Mongolian. Because modern Mongolian, except for the second-person ‘та’, which represents the meaning of the honorific of pronouns, has not this like definite distinction. Modern Mongolian and Korean pronouns seem to have relatively many differences than similarities in the morphological and meaning field. Depending on surrounding environment, the front and the rear context or flow of conversation, specific pronouns in modern Mongolian can be used like Korean pronouns that each one has a varied meanings of ‘haching’, ‘pyeongching’, ‘jonching’, ‘geukjonching’, etc. Therefore, its meaning should be correctly grasped within the context of the sentence or flow of conversation to select the appropriate corresponding form of the related language.
1. 서론
2. 현대몽골어의 인칭대명사
3. 현대몽골어의 인칭대명사와 한국어의 인칭대명사 대조 분석
4. 결론