최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

거란문자의 자료와 연구현황

A Study on data and research status of Khitan script

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The language that is most related Korean language in the world is Altaic language, among which Mongolian language has become the focus of comparative study along with Manchu language. However, since Mongolian language, as the language data before the 13th century, has had no record of complete sentences, the research on Khitan language which is assumed to be the origin of Mongolian language, is of vital importance not only for the research of ancient Mongolian language but also the research of Korean language. This article examined research outcome and existing material on Khitan script as the prerequisite for the research of Khitan language based on the fact that the research of Khitan language is of importance to that of Korean language and Mongolian language. What has been discussed until now shall be organized for the conclusion of this. Khitan script which was created in 920 and had been used till 1191 had been used during not only the period of Liao Dynasty but also the period of Jin Dynasty. While the created year and the data of Khitan large script usually coincide, Khitan small script needs additional research since there is a gap of 130 years between presumed year of its enactment and existing material. The most reliable data among the existing data on Khitan script is inscription, and much of the rest is likely to be false. While the research of Khitan small script has been actively underway since the publication of <Research of Khitan small script>, the research of Khitan large script remains in the fledgling stage. In regard to the assumption of phonetic value of original letters, considered as the core in the research of Khitan small script, there is much discord between scholars, and therefore much research is needed to narrow this different opinion. Previous study regarded Khitan large script as ideograph and therefore studied as such, however recent study assumes it to be syllabic pinyin writing like Khitan small script. The basic language for the decipherment of Khitan script is Mongolian language. However, as can be seen in the decipherment of previous Khitan script. there is much data which can’t be decoded in Mongolian language, and therefore they are thought to be solved through the linguistic knowledge of Altaic language, Chinese language, and the language of Xixia etc. Unknown linguistic character of Altaic language including Mongolian language are being revealed through the research of Khitan script. Among them, the difference of grammatic factors according to the discrimination of gender etc is very similar to the middle Mongolian language, and therefore another linguistic character are expected to appear as the research of Khitan script progresses in the future. Though recent 30 years has witnessed much research conducted, the decipher rate falls short of 50% and therefore diverse research methods are required. Recently research outcome of newly discovered data turns up and reinterpretation work on previous study is conducted, and therefore it will not be long before the goal of deciphering Khitan script is achieved.

1. 서론

2. 거란문자의발생과영향및소멸

3. 거란문자자료

4. 연구현황

5. 연구방법

6. 결론
