최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Homonymes or same forms a unite of the Mongolian language

In any language, there are words with different meaning but with same forms. This is called omonim in linguistics. A homograph is a word that shares the same written form as another word but has a different meaning. Its to have less in modern Mongolian languages than ancient Mongolian language.In ancient Mongolian languages many letters are same forms, therefore more than modern Mongolian. For example Boge /бөө/ ada /ад/Boke /бөх/ ata /ат/Таргаа уух /тараг/ тарганцавуу /тарга шиг/ алгаа үрэх /алга гарын/таргаа авах /тарга тэвээрэг/тарган хүн/тарган, махлаг/ Алгаа ирэх/ хүний нэр/Дангийн даавуу майхан / дан/Дангийн мал /Данги хүний нэр, When spoken, the meanings may be distinguished by different pronunciations, in which case the words are also heternyms. Words with the same writing and pronunciation are considered homonyms. However, in a looser sense the term “homonym” may be applied to words with the same writing or pronunciation. Identically-written different senses of what is judged to be fundamentally the same word are called polisemes For example, head (mountain) уулын толгой head (persons). Хүний толгой. Its not for homonymes because those are polysemes either compound words, the words are not expressing a meaning along, must be have 2 or more. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in spelling. The words may be spelled the same, such as гэрэл /light/ and гэрлэ ( marriage)Homophones that are spelled the same are also both homographes and homonymes. Homophones that are spelled differently are also called heterographes The term “homophone” may also apply Professor, College of Oriental Languages, Dept of Mongolian Hankuk University of Foreign Studies to units longer or shorter than words, such as phrases, letters or groups of letters that are pronounced the same as another phrase, letter or group of letters. Homofonemes is a one vowels branches a variant vowels but differs in pole, and may differ in spelling. For example: “Атар” first A and next A is differs in pole, and may differ in spelling. Polysemes are words with the same spelling and distinct but related meanings. In Mongolian language have backmost polysemes word is have 50 or more /baih, boloh, awah, barih/ and so on. The distinction between polysemy and homonymy is often subtle and subjective, and not all sources consider polysemous words to be homonyms. In modern Mongolian have too much homomorfemes, and there are same forms and pronounced too same but role and meanings are differs. For example Aa аа- өгөх орших тийн ялгал /танаа/аа- үйлээс нэр үг бүтээх /ачаа/аа- хамаатуулах бүтээвэр /амаа угаах/аа- үйлээс тэмдэг нэр /нуршаа/ аа- үйлээс үйл үг бүтээх /хатаа/ аа- үйлийн одоо цагаар тодотгон холбох /яваа/аа- идэвхгүй язгуураас нэр үг бүтэх /цагаа/аа- дуудах байж бүтээвэр /Бат аа/аа- аялга бүтээвэр /аа чи/аа- уриалах сануулах баймж бүтээвэр /Сурагчид аа! Шалгалтандаа сайн бэлтгэгтүн.

1. Монгол хэлний ижил үг болон хэлбэр ижил нэгжүүдийн тухай

2. Ижил авиа, авиалбар буюу омофонем

3. Ижил бүтээвэр омоморфем

4. Төгс ижил үг үүсэх аргууд

5. Үндсэн утга Шилжсэн утга

6. Ормол үгийн арга

