The origin of Xi is one of the history problems of Xi’s and even northern ethnic groups which should be solved. There are 7 kinds of views about origins as follow: Sibei of Eastern Hu(东胡鲜卑), Eastern Hu (东胡), Huns(匈奴), Wuhuan(乌桓), with Yuwen and Kitan derived from Sibei, the Northeast Yi(夷), and the descendant of Chezheng Xizhong (奚仲) of Xia Dynasty, etc. Some of these views are inconformity with history texts while some are too farfetched to be believed. According to texts and document, Xi derived from Yuwen of the eastern region, and Xi is similarly connected with Sibei in language and custom, so Xi perhaps derived from Yuwen Sibei of Eastern Hu(东胡).
1. 对奚族族源诸说的评述
2. 奚族族源之考察