최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

내몽고 오한기 모대구(毛代溝) 무덤군의 조사와 연구

The Excavation Research of the Inner-Mongolia Aohanqi Maodaigou Tomb

The Maodaigou(毛代溝) site is located on the ridge 1.5km northwest of the Inner-Mongolia s autonomous region, Aohanqi(敖漢旗) Maodaigou village. In 2012, the Aohanqi Museum composed of the Chinese Inner-Mongolia borough s Chifeng materials conducted the archeological field survey regarding prehistoric remains and artifacts of the Maodaigou village after multiple counts of discovery in Hongshan and Lower-Xiajiadian cultures. As a result, potteries and remnants in the period of Hongshan and Lower-Xiajiadian cultures were uncovered, but the surface of the findings was extremely ruined making it harder to identify a circumstantial inference. The investigation team located traces of surfaced-tombs, and excavated two of these tombs that were relatively stable. During the investigation, the tombs were examined to be within the period of Liao Dynasty. Conventionally, it is rather unlikely to discover traces on the surface of Liao tombs, but the robbery of ancient tombs presented footprints. Comprehensive investigation determined that although the formation of the two Maodaigou site graves classified with the form of Liao in the bigger picture, it displayed a somewhat differentiating form from the classic Liao tombs when examining their more detailed characteristics. The particular phenomenon was also revealed in the DNA of the human bones found within the grave. After studying the genes, primary patterns of an East Asian were shown, but the alike profiles of the bones from Goryeo Dynasty found in Korean peninsula s central region (Danyang) and the bones found in the Lamadong site of China Liaoning region were also confirmed. Therefore, classifying the grave as that of the Liao Dynasty needs a much more deliberate investigation. The significant question based on the differences in detailed grave formations and the results of the DNA analysis asks whether the graves owner was a Balhae native from the same period. However, because there are still many existing issues regarding the Balhae region, it is difficult to consider the Maodaigou s No. 1, 2 graves owners as Balhae natives. Countless data indicates that the maximum expansion of Balhae went over the West of Yiwulushan but within the Aohanqi region. This was taken into account that the Aohanqi region mainly went through a nomadic economy, an entity in which Balhae did not share; thus the influence of Balhae was unseen in this region. With this mentioned, the owner of grave no. 1 is predicted to be that of a Khitan, and the grave no. 2 to be associated with Mongolians.

1. 조사개요

2. 지리 위치와 환경

3. 조사내용

4. 인골 DNA분석

5. 조사성과
