The orality and the collectivity are preconditions for proper reading and understanding of “Clean Tamir River”, since they contains the writer’s ideology and spirit. The orality of “Clean Tamir River” is shown in its short sentence, conversation-centered narrative, intervention of the speaker, question to the audience, direct exposure of the speaker’s feeling. However, utilizing proverbs and folk songs can be seen as its significant orality. Proverbs are linguistic heritages that imply agelong experience, lessons, value, and wisdom of the people. 97 proverbs are used 102 times in “Clean Tamir River”. It is a significant narrative technique in the way that the proverbs try to convey lessons and truth of life to readers as well as the people’s wisdom, view of life, value, and consciousness. Folk songs are the most popular and self-sufficient art. Rodoidamba expresses the people’s life and consciousness vividly using this character of folk songs. Furthermore, they turn the lively life in Mongolia into a movie strengthening the factor of background music. Thus, “Clean Tamir River” embodies the dynamic life of Mongolian and shows their consciousness on the basis of orality and popularity.
1. 서언
2. 구술적 속성과 의미
3. 속담과 민요의 구술성과 민중성
4. 결언