최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국어와 몽골어의 동사파생접사 ‘-하다’ 접사와 ‘-хий-’ 접사의 고찰

The study of Korean and Mongolian suffixes ‘-hada’ and ‘-хий(hii)-’

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Korean and Mongolian languages are agglutinative language and have developed into affixes. Among the derived affixes ‘-hada’ and ‘-хий(hii)’ are to be compared in terms of their origins, functions, forms and semanteme. ‘-hada’ and ‘-hii-’ suffix can be found in the company of origin ‘@@다’, ‘гэ-, хэмэ-’, affixes are derived from the verb ‘@@다’, ‘гэ-, хэмэ-’, or it can be said as the result of the developmental process of the verb ‘@@다’, ‘гэ-, хэмэ-’. In addition, when compared the ‘-hada’ and ‘-hii’-, the similar functions, forms, and meaning can be seen. Therefore ‘-hada’ and ‘-hii-’ suffix can be said that they might be developed from the close sources.

1. 들어가는 말

2. ‘-하다’ 접사

3. ‘-хий-’ 접사

4. 비교

5. 나가는 말
