Lee, Jin-ho was the first Korean that served as a chief in the department of education and management in the Japanese Government General of Korea during Korean colonial era. He published 『滿蒙の旅』 in Japanese after visiting Manchuria and the east Inner Mongolia on April, 1927. Followed by south Manchuria, he made observations sequentially on major stations of Sajo line(四洮線), railroad tracks in the east Inner Mongolia such as Jeonggadun(鄭家屯) station, Guri(歐里) station, Öndör Wangbu(溫都爾王府), Jonam(洮南) station, etc. Comparing with the essays written by no less contemporary peoples of 1920s, who travelled the same areas, the fact that a pro-Japanese high ranking official wrote 『滿蒙の旅』 after personal visiting the east Inner Mongolia and Manchuria, has an important value as a primary historical material to understand the living of the east Inner Mongolia and the Japanese policy in Manchuria and Mongolia. Moreover, to our surprise, this writing, one of traveler’s essays which has not only arrested any attention of researchers, but has not also been mentioned even in the study on the person Lee, Jin-ho. Therefore, with this survey of the document, we tried to investigate firstly that the author of 『滿蒙の旅』 is Lee, Jin-ho who served as a chief in the department of the education and management in the Japanese Government General of Korea and secondly examined his perception of the east Inner Mongolia which was disclosed throughout 『滿蒙の旅』. Particularly, the situation of the east Inner Mongolia was described under the division into the geographical concept of Manchuria and Mongolia, the persons with whom he met in the east inner Mongolia and then his acknowledgement of agriculture, traffic, food, clothing, housing, religion of the east Inner Mongolia.
1. 머리말
2. 이진호의 생애와 『滿蒙の旅』내용
3. 『滿蒙の旅』에 나타난 동부 내몽골
4. 맺음말