V Ноён хутагт Лувсанданзанравжаагийн “Үлэмжийн чанар” дууны утгыг мөшгих нь
Analyzing the song “Ulemjiin Chanar” by Dulduityn Ravjaa, the Fifth Noyon Khutagt, the Noble Saint of the Gobi, from the point of wisdom and method
The legend of ‘Ulemjiin chanar’ known as ‘Tavan tahiliin duu’ by Noyon Khutagt has been told until now that was sang by five female lamas Dorjkhand, Rinchinkhand, Badamkhand, Laijinkhand and Sanjaikhand who had worn blue, red, green, white and yellow dresses from the realm of Urjinkhand or the realm of Udiyanyn when Ravjaa felt tired. Some researchers considered that this worship song praises Noyon Khutagt on the base of the five sensuous qualities or dodiyona. ‘Ulemjiin chanar’ became a masterpiece that was mistaken for being a folk song by people, had been already enjoyed by public. Most researchers have studied this song that is a mode of hymn praising the beauty of the woman. Here, we intended to analyze the song ‘Ulemjiin chanar’ from the point of the following issues. 1. Aesthetics and art of the verse 2. Wisdom and method 3. Compilation /poetic ‘Ulemjiin chanar’ is inimitable in characterizing in a complex and briefing element of the world beauty through marvel of touch by body, amusement of taste by tongue, fragrant scent, hearing sound by ear, sensitive feeling of sight by eyes. Even if it stated about beauty of woman and endless welfare of inamorata, it is rationally to explain with existing on the earth: basis of eternal perfect harmony of body and soul, chain of causes of wisdom and method like Heaven and Method, barren and existing. As verse, it’s certain to uphold ancient Oriental especially Mongolian folk song’s rhythm for expression word quantity of line in the verse, well-rounded stanza, enclosing by interjection and rhyme. This paper tries to complement a new concept in study of the well-known song “Ulemjiin chanar” by the Fifth Noyon Khutagt.
1. оршил
2. Дорно дахины ухаанд арга, билгийг таван махбодын онолоор зурхай, яруу найраг, дуу хөгжим, хэл шинжлэл, гүн ухаан зэрэг таван их ухааны хүрээнд бүх юмсын гүн гүнзгий, далд учир утгад орчин цагийн шинжлэх ухаанаас ч түрүүлээд хүрч чадсан нь олонтой байдаг нь цаанаа арга, билгийн ухааны хүч чадлыг харуулна.
3. Analyzing the song “Ulemjiin Chanar” by Dulduityn Ravjaa, the Fifth Noyon Khutagt, the Noble Saint of the Gobi, from the point of wisdom and method