“Lazy kid” topic has spread and risen since 1950 in Mongolian children’s literature. One proof of it is children’s fiction “Norov’s biography” by Sodnomdorj D. This fiction is exactly elegant work in children’s literature and shows lazy kid’s role concretely and cheerfully what is why it strongly affected next writer’s creation. However lazy kid topic seems criticizing children’s behavior, in deep meaning it tells the country’s development, life style and culture. In children’s literature, the topic did not come out suddenly and it has been in ancient Mongolian oral literature.
1. Оршил
2. “Норовын намтар” бэсрэг найраглал
3. 1990 оноос хойших “Залхуу хүүхэд”-ийн дүр
4. 2000 оноос хойших “Залхуу хүүхэд”-ийн дүр
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