최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대몽골어와 한국어의 재귀대명사 대조 연구

A contrastive study about the reflexive pronoun of Modern Mongolian and Korean

  • 13

In this study I summarized the morphology, composition, its meaning and the function of modern Mongolian reflexive pronoun and did contrastive analysis of having relevance to between Korean reflexive pronoun and Mongolian one based on the study of this. Basically modern Mongolian reflexive pronoun has the functions of an agent to express one’s own self in a context and it can refer to a first person pronoun, a second person pronoun, a third person pronoun and everybody else. Similarly Korean one has the same function to refer to any subject or agent in a context as Mongolian one. So this can be the similarity of Korean and Mongolian reflexive pronoun usage. However Korean has the different reflexive pronoun usage. For example, Korean can be spoken differently depending on the status like age, social position between speaker and listener. That is, the speaker must use correct usage of a personal pronoun and a reflexive pronoun after sorting out ‘haching(non honorific, kind of command)’, ‘pyeongching (between ordinary, fair relation)’ ‘jonching (honorific, respect)’, ‘geukjonching(very exalted)’ depending on who the listener is. But Mongolian reflexive pronoun has the different usage unlike Korean one. Not only Modern Mongolian but also reflexive pronoun has few clear distinctions except ‘та(ta)’, which means honorific title in a second person pronoun. Because a special Korean reflexive pronoun the same as Mongolian has not only common meaning but also different, various meaning depending on the surrounding situation, the context, the speaker has to select a well chosen word as the correspondence of the listener using the world in the sentence , in the context or in a speaking situation. That is, Mongolian reflexive pronoun, ‘өөр(өөрөө) /singular/’ can be widely used for expressing both the function and the meaning of many Korean reflexive pronouns. So proper Korean reflexive pronoun has to be used depending on the morphology, structure, context and speaking situation. Modern Mongolian reflexive pronoun and Korean one establish a relation with not a one-to-one correspondence relation but several-for-one correspondence relation.

1. 서론

2. 현대몽골어의 재귀대명사

3. 현대몽골어의 재귀대명사와 한국어의 재귀대명사 대조 분석

4. 결론
