최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

북방민족의 정체성과 계승성

Identity and Inheritance of the Northern Peoples

  • 108

The purpose of the study was to make correction of wrong cognition on the Northern nomad and to examine identity and inheritance of the Northern nomad from neutral point of view. China was no more than a part of regions of the empires of conquest dynasties such as Khitai, Altan, Yuan and Qing. Viewpoint of the Chinese history of conquest dynasties lost balance because of foundation in the territory of China. Even if Khitai and Altan included a part of central districts into the territory, they wanted to control grassland and Manchurian force having direct relation with their existence. As a matter of fact, the conquest dynasties accepted Chinese systems and culture, and the Chinese dynasties also accepted conquest dynasties systems and culture. The conquest dynasties separated Chinese character culture areas from non-Chinese character culture areas to control their world in their own way. Classification into Yuan, Ming and Qing seemed to inherit the Chinese dynasty, and both dynasties actually confronted each other to the north and south to be enemy. More than two hundred years from fall of Yuan Empire to foundation of Qing Empire, Mongolia was not society divided into west and east but nomadic country of tribe coalition without government. 21 Khans and powerful followers of Mongolian Empire created internal conflict by attack against Ming Empire and gave spoils of war and rights of trading to gather meadow powers. The Mongolian Empire that had loose coalition was not divided society in the unit of tribe but government of Mongolian Empire. The purpose of the study was to make correction of wrong cognition on history from point of view of China and to examine identity and inheritance of the Northern nomad race.

1. 들어가는 글

2. 정복왕조의 정체성과 계승성

3. 포스트(Post) 몽골제국의 정체성

4. 맺음말
