최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

제주 항몽유적의 역사성과 문화콘텐츠화 방안

The Historicity of the Site of Anti-Mongolian Resistance in Jeju and the Proposal of Producing it into Cultural Content

  • 20

It is effective to study the historicity of the Site of Anti-Mongolian Resistance from a multilateral perspective. First of all, this historic site has a huge implication in contributing to the existence of the nation and its culture. and the maintenance of its independence and as a passage linking the histories of east asian countries. Additionally, it has higher degree of organic combination with the national history than that of any other historic remains in Jeju as well as the historicity as a channel where one can meet the identity and the uniqueness of Jeju s history and culture. Besides, as much as they are considered quite meaningful from archeological and art historical points of view because of their favorable preservation state for the 13th century, they have high value as historic sources vividly elucidating the 13th century history and culture of Koryo Dynasty. That is, based on the above points, it can be said that this site is one of the most representative historic remains in Jeju. It is also noteworthy that in terms of securing space for implementing the plan to develop its culture content, this area, together with the presence of the fortress itself, has a much more suitable condition compared to any other site in that a considerable part of Jeju Hangpaduri Anti-Mongolian Remains and its vicinity is public land with private houses and shopping centers being rare. In short, in order to cultivate this site into cultural content, it would be suitable to create cultural resources coupled with the local history, the scenery and the ecosystem of Jeju, involving the nation s resistance history against foreign forces and cultural homogeneity with the east asian history, expanding this live educational ground.

1. 머리말

2. 제주 항몽유적의 역사성

3. 제주 항몽유적의 분포상과 문화콘텐츠화 방안

4. 맺음말
