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Зохиолын баатрын хэв шинжийг инээх үйлдлээр илэрхийлэх нь: Ч.Лодойдамбын “Тунгалаг Тамир” романы зарим дүрийн инээх үйлдлийн жишээгээр

Expressing the mode of a character with its’ act of laughing: on the examples of the act laughing of some characters in the novel “TungalagTamir” written by Ch.Lodoidamba -

This article is a continuation of our observation and research work started recently for focusing the mode of verbal and non-verbal methods to express the act of laughing in modern Mongolian language. Before, we have made some observation on the sample of laughing act of Itgelt, one of main characters in the novel “Tungalag Tamir” by Ch.Lodoidamba and have made preliminary conclusion that other characters could be analyzed with such way. The act of laughing that describes and highlights the behavior or typical role of the characters of this novel was selected and registered from the novel and when selecting the characters whose laugh mentioned ten or more times in the novel by putting it into the frequency of descending order, the character whose laugh written mostly in the novel was Itgelt (45 times), then Badarch (20), Tumur (17), Erdene (15), Dulmaa (10) and Khongor (10), respectively1). As well, it was registered the mode or type of laughing of a certain character and putting it into the frequency of descending order, it was observed that Itgelt had the highest frequency (27), too and then Badarch (12), Erdene (7), Tumur (5), Dulmaa (4) and Khongor (4). It was interesting case that the character of Itgelt was leading with its’ number of the act of laughing even with its’ mode of the laughing and after that it was Badarch, Tumur, Erdene, Dulmaa and Khongor therefore it proves that these 6 characters are the most main characters of the novel.

1. Оршил

2. Инээх үйлдэл илэрхийлэх хэлний хэрэглүүрийн хэв шинж

3. Инээх үйлдлэл илэрхийлэх хэлний хэрэглүүрийн хэлзүйн бүтэц

4. Товч дүгнэлт

