최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 전통의학 방제(方劑)의 현대적 활용 고찰

Study of modern application of decoctions written in the chapter of prescription of Persimmon’s Treasury of Wonders: ngo mtshar dga’ ston, one valuable source of Mongolian medicine

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This study is aimed to determine the modern application and transmission of decoctions written in Persimmon’s Treasury of Wonders - ngo mtshar dga’ ston, Mash Gaihamshigt Hurimin San (hereinafter abbreviated as <MGHS>), one valuable source of traditional Mongolian medicine which was compiled in the early 20th century. The study is focused on three aspects such as ingredients, compounding methods and uses of decoctions in order to determine their application and importance in modern medicine. There are 45 and 70 kinds of decoctions described respectively in the chapter of prescriptions of <MGHS> and the Guidebook of Traditional Medicinal Substances and Prescriptions published from the Traditional Medical Science and Technology Corporation of Mongolia. Overlaps of 11 kinds of decoctions observed between the two books. These include Tsarvan-5 (Царван-5), Lider-7(Лидэр-7), Manu-4 (Ману-4), Lider-5 (Лидэр-5), Jonlon-5 (Жонлон-5), Zandan-3 (Зандан-3), Aglig-4 (Аглиг-4), Indar-4 (Индар-4), Bamsel (Бамсэл), Baragshun-5 (Барагшун-5) and Tsarvan-4 (Царван-4). The following are the results obtained to the three focuses mentioned above. 1. No great methodological differences were observed in compounding of the 11 kinds of decoctions. Besides, no other medicinal forms of these 11 and the remaining 34 and 59 kinds of decoctions described in the two books respectively were found in the Guidebook of Traditional Medicines and Prescriptions. 2. There are great differences in the indications and actions of the 11 kinds of decoctions observed between the two books. This might be related to the scientific research activities on traditional medicines and interpretations of traditional concepts of diseases by modern medical concepts. 3. No differences were observed in the ingredients between the 11 kinds of decoctions written in the two books. This might be related with that the herbs which are grown mostly in Mongolia are included in the decoctions. Mostly the same terms were used for the herbs in the two books. However it is important to standardize the nomenclatures of medicinal row materials in order to avoid possible confusions. As mentioned above Mongolia’s traditional method of compounding decoctions was respected and handed down to modern times and it was revealed that there were no great differences in the traditional and modern applications. However the effort to improve medical credibility was noteworthy through scientific study for the application of traditional compounding method. In this process there were some observations on the cases that the actions of the medicines and the related diseases introduced in <MGHS> are differently used in modern times. It can be said that Mongolian decoctions were transmitted in diverse ways such as respect to the traditional knowledge and scientific reverification process for application to the modern Mongolian medicine. Traditional Mongolian medicine has played an important role in global tradtional medical history as the heritage of rich life culture and unlimited potential for modern applications. In particular, the traditional knowledge related with traditional decoctions and medication can be said to be the important foundation for the development of modern medical knowledge. Therefore we will conduct research step by step, not only the decoctions introduced in <MGHS> but also undiscovered many traditonal medicines introduced in Mongolian medical literatures.

1. 머리말

2. 전통 몽의학과 현대 몽의학에서의 탕약 방제(Жор)

3. 『MGHS』 탕약 방제 활용의 유형별 비교 분석

4. 『MGHS』 탕약 방제의 현대적 활용 양상

5. 맺음말
