최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Монгол Улсын импорт орлох салбарт гадаадын шууд хөрөнгө оруулалт(ГШХО)-ыг цогц байдлаар татах нь; ГШХО-ыг татах Ловендалын тогтолцоог ашигласан судалгаа

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Promotion in the Mongolia’s Import Substituting Sectors: Application of the Loewendahl’s Framework for FDI Promotion

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At present, FDI promotion in the Mongolia’s import substituting sectors in a comprehensive manner is lacking and even research on it has not been made yet. The study, therefore, aim to develop a comprehensive FDI promotion framework for the Mongolia’s import substituting sectors. When developing the framework, the study uses Loewendahl’s FDI promotion framework. The study finds that it is possible for the Government of Mongolia and its IPA to apply a comprehensive FDI promotion framework consisting of four main areas and ten stages in the country’s import substituting sectors. Further, the study reviews that an organizational structure, human resources, budget and cooperation with other organizations of an IPA of Mongolia are important to apply the comprehensive FDI promotion framework in the country’s import substituting sectors.

1. Оршил

2. ГШХО-ыг татах Ловендалын тогтолцоо

3. Монгол Улсын импорт орлох салбарт Ловендалын тогтолцоог ашиглах нь

4. Монгол Улсын импорт орлох салбарт Ловендалын тогтолцоог ашиглахтай холбоотой боломж, сорилтууд

5. Дүгнэлт
