최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국어와 몽골어의 동사파생과정에 나타나는 음운현상 고찰

The study of euphonic changes in verb derivation in Mongolian and Korean

  • 14

The purpose of this study is to identify the euphonic changes in Mongolian and Korean include deletion, insertion, assimilation, dissimilation, harmony of vowels, and Umlaut. Common phenomena in these two languages are deletion, insertion, assimilation. Dissimilation is found only in Korean while the phonological harmony of vowel is appeared only in Mongolian. Euphonic changes can be explained not only in the point of synchronic sound change but also in the point of diachronic sound change. In the case of Korean since the 16th century, disappearance of “․[Alae-A]” on the first syllable and appearance of new neutral vowel derived decline of the harmony of vowels. And in Mongolian, the use of Cyrillic characters caused some euphonic changes such as deletion, insertion, dissimilation, etc.

1. 서론

2. 음운환경

3. 음운현상

4. 결론
