The purpose of this study is to build a systematic and precise noun-derivative suffix list in the modern Khalkha Mongolian language according to coherent classification standard, and to provide exact examples for the list. In the modern Khalkha Mongolian language, derivative suffixes have mostly been handled in the word-formation section in morphology to date. Furthermore, they are just arranged by a part of speech of base. There is no systematic list even about the most fundamental types of derivative suffixes, and few studies have ever paid attention to that. To delve into derivative suffix, it s most urgent purpose needed to set up accurate classification criteria and prepare its list. Chapter 1 is an introduction that described the purpose and structure of this study. Chapter 2 discussed the concepts and characteristics of the root and stem of a word to lay the foundation for researching noun-derivative suffix in the modern Mongolian language. And the concept and features of derivative suffix were explored, and the specific criteria of derivative suffix was selected by comparing it to the end of a word. In addition, the widely accepted types and classification of derivative suffix were explained, and how to classify it in this study was presented. Chapter 3 looked into earlier studies that included noun-derivative suffix lists, and attempted to identify their problems and errors, and then a noun-derivative suffix list was prepared according to the criteria presented in the preceding chapter. What didn t comply with the criteria was excluded from the lists provided by the earlier studies, and the selected lists were compared to one another to see whether there were any discrepancies between them and whether the lists were accurate. After a final list was produced, the meaning of individual suffixes in the list was explained, and examples were provided to each of them. Chapter 4 gave an outline of the preceding chapters, pointed out the problems with this study, and made a suggestion about future research efforts.
1. Оршил
2. Орчин цагийн халх монгол хэлний нэр үг бүтээх дагаврын онцлог ба төрөл
3. Орчин цагийн халх монгол хэлний нэр үг бүтээх дагавар
4. Дүгнэлт