최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

여운형의 <몽골여행기>에 나타난 한&#8228;몽 교류사적 의미

Korean-Mongolian exchange seen in <Mongolia Travels> by Woonhyung Lyuh and its historical meaning

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Woonhyung Lyuh went to Moscow via Khuree, the capital of Outer Mongolia to attend the The First Congress of the Toilers of Far East” which was held in Moscow in early January of 1922. About ten years after, he recalled that experience and wrote a series of articles for a magazine called the “JoongAng(中央)” in 1936. We call this <Mongolia Travels> by Woonhyung Lyuh. <Mongolia Travels> is the only travel documentation left by a Korean who visited the Outer Mongolia between 1910 and 1920. It shows the nomadic life style, transportation, religion, and the natural environment of the Outer Mongolia in a very realistic fashion. It also contains the activities of Koreans in the area. In particular, it tells of the communications between Woonhyung Lyuh and Politicians of Outer Mongolia. Through the records of Korean Doctor Teajoon Lee who practiced medicine along with Korean independence movement, we could verify that Mongolia, joined with China and Russia, was also a focal area of Korean Independence movement.

1. 머리말

2. 여운형의 몽골行과 극동민족대회

3. <몽골여행기> 소개

4. <몽골여행기>에 나타난 한&#8228;몽 교류

5. 맺음말

