The purpose of this study is to examine the progress of Korean language education and its changes and define the compatibility of teaching approaches in order to improve Korean language speaking instruction best-suited for characteristics of Mongolian students based on the need analysis from stake-holders to Koreanlanguage education. The study provides the present state of Korean language speaking instruction in Mongolia, the needs and demands from teachers related to Korean language education, and key factors necessary formaking progress in Korean language education particularly in speaking instruction. The study has examined the present process of Korean language speaking instruction and Korean language education changes in Mongolia. Moreover, teachers and students who are learning and teaching Korean language, Korean workers who are related to Korean institutions in Mongolia were participated in need analysis regarding Korean language speaking instruction. Based on the findings, two external and internal factors were extracted from the study.
1. 들어가기
2. 몽골 지역 한국어교육의 변화와 말하기교육의 현황
3. 몽골 지역 한국어교육 이해관련자 대상 요구 분석
4. 몽골 내한국어 말하기교육의 개선을 위한 실천 방안