Монгол улсын хөдөө аж ахуй(ХАА)-н салбарын өнөөгийн байдал, сорилт ба ХАА-н салбар дахь Солонгос-Монголын хамтын ажиллагааны чиглэл
Present Situation and Challenges of the Mongolian Agriculture and Livestock Industries and Korea-Mongolia Cooperation Direction
In recent years, the Mongolian agriculture and livestock industries have faced a number of challenges and the government of Mongolia is intending to solve those challenges through economic cooperation with foreign countries. Relating to it, this paper aims to review ways that Korea cooperates with Mongolia in its agriculture and livestock industries within the scope of challenges that the Mongolian agriculture and livestock industries have faced. The reason is that first, challenges that the Mongolian agriculture and livestock industries face currently could become economic cooperation opportunities for Korea, second, those challenges could become circumstances that Korean economic cooperation in the Mongolian agriculture and livestock industries proceeds rationally and effectively. Moreover, on the other side, for Mongolia this could become a solution to solve challenges in the agriculture and livestock industries and thus, to develop the agriculture and livestock industries of the country. In a word, Korean economic cooperation with Mongolia in relevance to challenges of its agriculture and livestock industries could become one alternative for two countries to proceed their economic cooperation in a mutually beneficiary, that is a win-win way. As a result of research, the paper identifies ways that Korea cooperates in the Mongolian agriculture and livestock industries within the scope of the industries’ challanges such as warehouse industry development, irrigated agriculture development, improvement of agricultural machine equipments, improvement of grain, potatoes and vegetable storage, development of intensive livestock farming and development of livestock-based raw materials (i.e. meat, milk, hides, wool and cashmere) processing through foreign direct investment, export, grants, concessional loans and research and development. Also, the paper makes proposals on how organizations, whose activities are related to the two countries’ cooperation in the agriculture and livestock industries (e.g. the Korea-Mongolia Committee for Agricultural Cooperation, KOTRA, KOICA and KOPIA Mongolia Center), should work on that Korea cooperates in the Mongolian agriculture and livestock industries through the above identified ways.
1. Оршил
2. Монгол улсын ХАА-н салбарын өнөөгийн байдал
3. Монгол улсын ХАА-н салбарын сорилтууд
4. Монгол улсын ХАА-н салбарын сорилтууд ба Солонгос-Монголын хамтын ажиллагааны чиглэл
5. Дүгнэлт