최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대몽골어와 한국어의 ‘기본수사(基本數詞)’, ‘순서수사(順序數詞)’ 대조 연구

A Contrastive Study on ‘Cardinal Numerals’ and ‘Ordinal Numerals’ between Modern Mongolian and Korean

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In this study I summarized the morphology, composition, its meaning and the function of modern Mongolian numerals and did contrastive analysis of having relevance to between Korean numerals and Mongolian one based on the study of this. Numerals of modern Mongolian language and Korean have a difference as follows. 1. Modern Mongolian language traditionally divides numeral into 7~9 systems according to form and semantic function in sentence, but Korean usually divides it into divided systems such as ‘Cardinal Numerals’ and ‘Ordinal Numerals’. 2. ‘Cardinal Numerals’ and ‘Ordinal Numerals’ of modern Mongolian language are not used by dividing into ‘native tongue system(native words)’ and ‘Sino-Korean word system’ as Korean. 3. When combining numeral(combining form) is made, front positional number(native tongue, Sino-Korean word) and back positional number (native tongue, Sino-Korean word) are apposed and used without change in Korean, but stem formation ‘н(hiding н)’ suffix with a function limiting back positional number is connected to front positional number in modern Mongolian language. 4. Most numerals play a role of modifier and are located in front of a noun in Mongolian language, but in Korean, it is unnatural for numeral to be in front of a noun and it is natural for numeral to be back of a noun. Numerals of modern Mongolian language and Korean have a point of similarity as follows. Both Mongolian language and Korean take charge of functions and roles such as modifier(adnominal phrase), object, predicate and subject according to what postposition follows or where it is used in sentence.

1. 서론

2. 현대몽골어의 수사(數詞)

3. 현대몽골어와 한국어의 ‘기본수사(基本數詞)’, ‘순서수사(順序數詞)’ 대조

4. 결론

