최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 바위그림에 나타난 하스 문양(卐, 卍)의 양상과 의미

The Aspects and Meanings of the Has Pattern on Mongolian Rock Paintings

  • 57

The pattern of Has(卐, 卍) which represents Mongolia is the most popular pattern in the history of Mongolian political history, the religious history and the cultural history. However, there are many opinions about the origin and meaning of the Has pattern. This paper finds out the origin of Has pattern in Mongolian rock art and examines the symbolic significance and various aspects of Has pattern on the basis of the view of existing scholars. The Has pattern of the rock art appears in a variety of patterns including the X pattern, the + pattern, the clockwise 卐 pattern, the counter clockwise 卍 pattern and the Has pattern with three rings. The X pattern and the + pattern are mostly shown on the rock painting which is a kind of Mongolian rock art and the symbolic meaning is interpreted as a symbol representing fire and sky and a pattern marking the place that a god down in religious activities. In petroglyph which is one of the rock art, there are the X and the + patterns, the two types of Hass patterns of the 卐 and 卍 and the transformed type with three rings as like on the rock paintings. The Has pattern is interpreted as the sign of a clan and classified into four types such as ‘Early clan symbol’, ‘Derived clan symbol’, ‘Conquer clan symbol’ and ‘Immigrated clan symbol’ in combination with other symbol patterns. The prototype of Has pattern is the + and the X pattern. They are developed into the 卐 pattern and the 卍 pattern and diversely transformed into the change of the ring such as the square, the rhombus, the circle combined with various geometric models. This tradition of petroglyphs also leads to the Turkic inscription. The Has pattern which can be found on the Turkic inscriptions is a transformed form of the X pattern and the 卐 pattern. This is similar to the aspect appeared on the rock art. We hope that this study will be a stepping stone for the comparative study between Korea and Mongolia by studying the cultural aspects of prehistoric people through the various aspects of the Has(卍 and 卍) pattern shown in Mongolian rock arts.

1. 머리말

2. 몽골 바위그림의 분포와 분류

3. 몽골의 암화(岩畵)에 나타나는 하스 문양의 양상과 상징성

4. 맺음말

5. 참고문헌
