Dashdorjiin Natsagdorj (1906-1937) is Mongolia’s prominent writer, the founder of the contemporary Mongolian literature. During his short span he managed to produce vivid and eloquent works in all genres of the new poetry, prose, drama and lyrics. He died at a young age (31). He wrote secular poems. They are very different to the religious poems which prevailed over Mongolia at that period. He received his education in Russia and Germany. So it gave him an inspiration to write lyrical poems. His poem “My motherland” is very popular in Mongolia. In his poem he sings the beauty of his native land and the bright future of his country. D.Natsagdorj was also a wonderful writer of short story. Below article contains the oral histories related to D.Natsagdorj biography according to the informants. 1. The foreword of this article contains about how the works of D.Natsagdorj had been studied in Mongolia and abroad. In addition, it writes about the scholars who study D.Natsagdorj and the new studies released recently. The main purpose of the article aims to introduce greater contribution of scholar D.Dashdorj (Д.Дашдорж) in the study of D.Natsagdorj biography and his life. Also it aims to introduce some oral histories noted from the informants who knew him well. 2. Луузангийн Ванжил (Luujangiin Vanjil) whom D.Dashdorj interviewed was D.Natsagdorj’s cousin and in their childhood there were time when they lived together. L.Vaanjil’s mother once said that Natsagdorj was born in spring. Meanwhile the anniversary of D. Natsagdorj is held in November. 3. Informants Доржийн Санжаа (Dorjiin Sanjaa), 80 years who was born in 1928, Алтангэрэл (Altangerel), 80 years and Самбуугийн Ааяа (Sambuugin Aaya), 69 years tell to scholar D.Dashdorj about the place where Natsagdorj was born and they say it was a spring time. 4. In 1976 year at the age of 64 the senior informant professor Г.Батсүх (G.Batsuh) told many interesting oral histories about how he met in 1926 year Natsagdorj in Ulaanbaatar and how they were studying together in Germany. The article contains new interesting stories about Mongolian students in Germany in 1928 year. 5. The senior actress Т.Хандсүрэн (T.Handsuren) used to know Natsagdorj well and she tells how she played in the play “Учиртай гурван толгой” (“Uchirtai gurvan tolgoi“-“Three interesting characters”) as Нансалмаа (Nansalmaa), the mail role. 6. It touches the dispute issue whether Цэрэндулам (Cerendulam) is Natsagdorj’ daughter or not. 7. Д.Сурмаажав (D.Surmaajav), 67 years who studied together with D.Natsagdorj in Germany reveals interesting oral histories about the last years of Natsagdorj’s life. 8. The article writes interesting oral histories about the places where D.Natsagdorj lived and worked such as Амбан хааны хороо (Amban haanii horoo), Цэен бэйсийн гудамж (Ceyen beisiin gudamj), Дархан чин ван Пунцагцэрэнгийн хашаа (Darhan chin van Puncagcerengiin hashaa), Нэрэнхүүгийн хашаа (Nerenhuugiin hashaa), Сэлбийн гүүр (Selbiin guur), Содном сайдын хашаа (Sodnom saidiin hashaa), “Спартак” зочид буудал (“Spartak” motel), Усны гудамж (Usanii gudamj) where D.Natsagdorj died and Шожооны, Шоожооны гудамж (Shoojoonii gudamj). The importance of oral histories contained in the article is that they became important studies and new facts in the study of D.Natsagdorj.
1. Оршил
2. Луузангийн Ваанжилыг сурвалжилсан нь 3. Д.Нацагдоржийн төрсөн улирлын талаарх мэдээ
4. Ардын багш Г.Батсүхийн дурсамж
5. Гавьяат жүжигчин Т.Хандсүрэнгийн бичиж үлдээсэн дурсамж
6. Цэрэндуламын тухай хуучин баримт
7. Д.Сүрмаажавын ярьсан хууч яриаг тэмдэглэсэн нь 8. Д.Нацагдоржтой холбоотой Улаанбаатарын дурсгалт газрууд
9. Дүгнэлт