The territory of Xi nationality was constantly changing. From the beginning of the 4th century AD to the 10th century AD, Xi mainly acted range from Xar Moron River basin southwards to Laoha River basin. From 10th century to the 12th century, Xi mainly acted in Laoha River basin, based on Middle Capital of Liao Dynasty. When Khitan-Liao fell in 1125, Xi was divided and ruled by Jin. Then Xi gradually integrated with other nationalities. The changing of Xi’s territory is the result of Xi exploited territory towards its south and west. And Xi’s territory was affected by the Northern Dynasty (the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Eastern Wei Dynasty, The Northern Qi Dynasty), Tang, Khitan-Liao, Jin at the same period.
1. 公元4至10世纪初奚族的地域
2. 公元10至12世纪初的奚族地域