몽골 광물자원개발 분야 진출방안에 대한 연구
A research on the cooperative measures between Korea-Mongolia in the sector of mineral resources development: Comparative Analysis of the performance of Korean companies and foreign multinationals
In this research, I will analyze and evaluate the outcome of Korean companies which entry into sector of mineral resources in Mongolia. Through this, presented a more efficient approach to Korean companies which had already entered the sector of mineral resources in Mongolia, or planning to advance into this sector in the future. It also provides good references case for Korean companies to consider successful case of foreign multinationals negotiation process with the Mongolian government and management method in the sector of mineral resources in Mongolia. Based upon this, it present cooperative way to government of Korea and Mongolia in the sector of mineral resources in Mongolia. And also provide advancement strategies to the Korean enterprise which advance into the sector of mineral resources in Mongolia in the future.
1. 서론
2. 몽골 광물자원 정책
3. 한국과 외국기업의 진출사례 비교
4. 진출여건 분석 및 접근방식 비교
5. 결론