최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 전통악기 ‘야탁’ 교육 연구

Research on the Mongolian traditional instrument ‘Yatag’ education.: Based on the music education using a Yatag textbook.

  • 13

The purpose of this study is to find out the necessity and importance of the textbooks as one of the methodologies to enable the education in Yatag, a Mongolian traditional musical instrument, more effectively in the general educational institutions, and to study how to systemize Yatag education utilizing the textbooks. For this purpose, this study analyzed the existing textbooks and reinforced the complementary points, and newly developed “Yatag tutorial textbook” of originality according to the level of students’, in which the textbooks were incorporated and tested in actual teaching fields at multiple schools. In order to measure the effectiveness of the developed textbook, a survey was conducted before and after utilizing the textbook. The contents of questionnaire were composed of five sections; perceptions on music education, evaluations on music teachings in general, understandings on music textbooks, perceptions on traditional Mongolian music education, and current condition of learning education for learners. The results were analyzed using statistical models. Through the analysis, we found that students’ perceptions were improved in all five areas after the education with textbooks. Through in-depth interviews and written surveys, some learners described that they had positive musical psychological effects. This study suggests that textbooks are needed to teach Yatag more systematically and effectively in institutions, and schools should pay attention to create an environment conducive to traditional music education. Furthermore, the research and development of the textbooks for the development and universalization of Mongolian traditional music along with the Yatag education should be continued.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론

4. 제언

