최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 식물문양의 상징성

A Symbolism of Mongolian plant patterns-Focusing on the configuration type of patterns -

  • 75

Plant patterns in Mongolia originated from the symbol of plants that existed in nature and symbolize the symbolism of growth and prosperity. Plant patterns include tree patterns, grass patterns, floral patterns and leave patterns that exist in nature, such as flowers, leaves, branches, stems, and shoots. The patterns of the Mongolian willow tree was regarded as the object of worship and religious rites for the Northern nomadic tribes since ancient times. The grass patterns were imitated by the shape of the plant and represented the prosperity of the meadow. Even in Korea, the willow tree was symbolized by purity and gentleness, symbolizing the Buddhist material. In particular, the lotus patterns, one of the representative religious symbols of Mongolia and Korea, represents very important meaning of Buddhism as symbols of Buddhism. Additionally, Mongolia and Korea s peony patterns symbolized wealth, prosperity, and happiness, used to clothing, painting, needlework, and artifacts. The patterns of the Mongolia is variously repeated and organized, depending on the material, purpose, and shape of the object. It seeks perfection and has a variation and rhythm for decoration. The reason is that the artistic style has expanded because of the rich, beautiful sense, tradition, and cultural exchanges with various ethnic groups. Accordingly, the Mongolia’s plant patterns was decorated with all aspects of national faith and belief, and is decorated with everything related to everyday life. It Symbolized wealth, prosperity, richness, purity, happiness, good luck. That is, it created a unique and beautiful art stamp featuring the lifestyle and artistry of Mongolia.

1. 머리말

2. 몽골 식물문양의 종류와 상징성

3. 몽골 식물문양의 구성형식

4. 맺음말

