최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

‘제주도 돌하르방’의 기원과 ‘요대(遼代) 석인상’

The Origin of ‘Jeju-do Dolharubang(=Stone Statues)’ and ‘The Stone Statues of Liao dynasty’

  • 99

Around the Liao River Civilization cultural sites, many ‘Stone Statues’ in the Neolithic Age have been found at the sites of (1) Xinglongwa Culture(興隆洼文化: BC 6200-5200), (2) Zhaobaogou Culture (趙寶溝文化: BC 5000-4400), (3) and Hongshan Culture(紅山文化: BC 4500-3000). So, the origin of ‘Stone statues’ around Mongolia, Central Asia, and Southern Siberia ascend to the Neolithic Age Xinglongwa Culture. I think that the stone status of Northeast Asia including the Korean Peninsula is connected with the Liaoxi(遼西) area. Jeju Island in Korea, a unique shape of stone statues were found. It is called ‘Jeju-do Dolharubang(= The Jeju Island Stone Statues)’. There are many theories about the origins of ‘The Jeju-do Dolharubang’ in Korea. They are, (1) the hypothesis of northern origin especially Mongolian origin, (2) the hypothesis of southern origin, (3) the hypothesis of Mainland influx, (4) and the hypothesis of Jeju island self origin. However, the stone statues presented in the existing theories are similar to those of Jeju Island, but they did not look the same. So, many theories or hypothesis were competing. On October 21, 2014, I found a new stone statues of Liao dynasty(遼: 907-1125) in the Museum of Zian Ping(建平). ‘Museum of Zian Ping’ is the museum of Zianping-xian(建平縣). ‘Stone statues of Liao dynasty’ was discovered in December 2011 in Heishui-zhen(黑水鎭) in Zianping-xian(建平縣). Zianping-xian belongs to Chaoyang City (朝陽市), Liaoning Province in China. The newly founded stone statues of Liao dynasty is almost identical to the Jeju-do Dolharbang. In this paper, I introduce the newly founded stone statues of Liao dynasty in detail. As a conclusion, I would like to confirm that the Origin of ‘Jeju-do Dolharubang’ is the stone statues of Liao dynasty.

1. 글을 시작하며

2. 요하문명 지역 신석기 시대 석인상 소개

3. 중국에서 새롭게 발견된 ‘요대(遼代: 907-1125) 석인상’ 소개

4. 제주도 돌하르방의 기원에 대한 기존의 논의들

5. 제주도 돌하르방의 기원에 대한 새로운 가설

6. 글을 마치며

